Insight Meditation

Wednesdays, 5 - 6:15 PM, MST

We offer weekly mindfulness meditation classes in the Insight, or Vipassana, tradition. Our classes are open to both experienced practitioners and those new to meditation. Our community is warm, welcoming and open to everyone.

Each class usually offers a 20-30 minute guided meditation, a dharma talk, and time for questions and connection.
If you are curious, we invite you to join us! Drop-ins are welcome in any classes.

Why Take a Meditation Class?

  • Increase our sense of peace and wellbeing
  • Bring perspective to our lives
  • Expand our ability to deal with difficult circumstances
  • Connect with others and build community

Teacher: Tam Spielman

Tam has been practicing meditation and yoga for over 25 years. She is a graduate of Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Meditation Teacher Training, participated in the 6th iteration of Spirit Rock’s Community Dharma Leader Program, and completed a yearlong Dharma Leader Training with Erin Treat and Pamela Weiss. Tam has an MFA in poetry and has been a lifelong educator. She currently teaches and mentors students in Insight Meditation as well as in Iyengar Yoga.

“Practice offers me a deep sense of aliveness in each moment, and a direct awareness of what matters most in my life. This is why I am passionate about practice and study of the dharma in daily life and on retreat, and about supporting others in exploring their path.”


Rates are the same as for all classes at Yoga Shala, and you can use a class pass or a drop-in to attend.

Meditation classes are freely offered – if you would like a scholarship rate, or to attend for free, e-mail us.