Jayne Satter
A marathon and triathlon competitor, Jayne’s active-driven lifestyle came to a hard stop when she contracted chronic fatigue syndrome. Iyengar yoga became the only way she could participate in the realm of the physical without succumbing to fatigue and illness, and as its healing effects became manifest in her life, she immersed herself in its practice. She has now been teaching yoga for more than 20 years and is Iyengar certified at the Junior Intermediate III level, as well as being an assessor. She has studied with the Iyengars during six extended stays in Pune, India. Jayne is passionate about sharing with students what she continues to learn about restoration of mind, body, and spirit, injuries, aging, and connecting yogic philosophy to everyday life. In addition to teaching in Colorado she greatly enjoys conducting workshops and teacher trainings around Mexico. Jayne, who has an M.S. in Education, taught in the Boulder public schools and at C.U.